To go or not to go?

Isn’t it obvious? What is a better way to explore, to see weird things, to get to know a whole new world than to go to the place itself?

Don’t get me wrong, I know traveling is one of the most wonderful experiences a human can have: gaining new experiences and perspective, broaden one’s horizon. But how to take the most benefit out of the journey is the question.

In the previous year, I was very fortunate to have the chance to travel to some places. Both traveling and backpacking. However, the more I go, the more I start to lose interest in traveling. Seeing to a certain amount, all ancient ruins start to look the same, all ancient towns seem to share the same history, and all beautiful nature sceneries begin to bring the same vibe.

Aimlessly wandering from places to places, why do I even be here? “Not all those who wander are lost”. But the reason why I’m wandering is because I’m so lost.

On road, contemporary backpackers rushing from destinations to destinations, trying to fulfill that bucket list of “must-go” places, being exploited by parties, and trying out the most “adventurous” activities being offered by the tourism industry to gain immediate external endorsement of “how cool you are”. I have no oppose on them having leisure as a break from conventional lifestyle. In the end, we are all different.

However, traveling experience should not be limited to those experience, and “backpacking” should not be the legimitation of the quest for a hedonistic lifestyle. Get to know a city takes much more effort that visiting its most trendy destination.

The beautiful San Cristobal de las Casas in the morning

To me, traveling is more than rushing from destination to destination and ending up knowing nothing about the culture, and the people. The more I go, the more I realize it is true that “not important where you are, it is who you are with”. Eventually, I will forget all the breathtaking scenery, all the details of the adventures, but the feelings for the people, and their stories, remain.

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